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Loose lips, sink ships!

Inspired from Matthew chapter 12.  Power of our tongue This chapter clearly says, for every word we speak, we are accountable. In today's world, so many people are speaking words just because it sounds cool, or just to fit inside the crowd. We take the words we speak too lightly, but our tongue has the power over our life. If we speak prosperity, success on our life that will be the result. If we speak failure on our life we will end up failing. We need to check on the words we use on our life. Not only the words we speak about ourselves but also what we speak about others. Speak words of encouragement, love and kindness. Make people want to talk to you because that's the best opportunity you can ever use to share God's love with them. You cannot change the world, by being like the world. Every morning, speak positive words on your life and to the people around you.  God bless you!

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