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mission leaders

Rajan and Sarah

Mission Leaders of Journey Impact Ministries



Rajan is the founder president of Journey Impact ministries. He is always passionate about reaching young people with Christ's love and has helped thousands of students find purpose in their life. He is highly regarded for his vision, love and care. People find comfort and ease to move with him in knowing Christ. He loves God and people, and as a speaker of life, he always proclaims "What God can do through each life" 


Sarah is the co-founder of Journey Impact ministries. She is known for her intense desire in touching every life with the love of Christ. She is a person who is acknowledged for her prayer life and commitment to pray for people's need. Sarah's faithfulness towards prayer led her to form more prayer groups across the city. She is aggressive in evangelism and taking bold steps in spreading the good news of salvation

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Journey Impact is an Inter-denominational organisation helping students
come to know Jesus, grow in their faith and then go to their communities to tell others about God's love.

Our life on earth is a spiritual journey towards eternity. The way we grow in our spiritual maturity and make impact in the sphere of influence will make our life a significant one.

Sharing Christ with students can be a challenging and rewarding experience. There are hundreds of influences that students encounter in their lives which impacts them in both positive and negative ways. Statistics give alarming signal about the present condition of today's young people. And it also says 75% of people who begin a relationship with Christ choose to do so before they turn 18. Introducing Christ at this time will bring remarkable change in their lives.

Journey Impact ministries was founded in the year 2011 to address this need, with the ultimate objective of saving young people who are unaware of Christ and do not find any purpose in life. We want to give every student an opportunity to hear the gospel and respond to Jesus. Journey Impact is committed to see a group of students praying and sharing Christ in every college campus.

We also focus teens and help them to lay a firm foundation before they go to colleges. We appeal to the emerging adult side of students, as well as to their adolescent side, helping them to mature personally as well as spiritually. Our ministry take the initiative with students, reaching out to them at a felt- need level, and taking every opportunity to introduce them to Jesus Christ.

Our ministry among students reaches far beyond the campus, into the families and their communities.  God honouring families is the foundation of our society. Transformation in student's life begins in the home where each individual is rooted, grounded and connected to God. Our marriage life seminars help build Godly families.

If you have a heart for teens and youth, join hands with this mission

and you will make impact for the rest of your life.

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